lunes, 22 de noviembre de 2010

¿A quién le toca?

Erin McPike analiza la estrategia de Romney en RealClearPolitics:

Romney's Strategy: Stay in Medal Contention

(...) Bill Greener, a Republican media consultant currently neutral in the coming presidential fight, explained in an interview that in the past, "the general milieu of the party has been, ‘whose turn is it?' That was how doubt was resolved." He went on, "Part of being a Republican is that we hate confusion and ambiguity."

Inside Romney's current inner circle, strategists say they don't put any stock into the idea that it's the former governor's turn to be the GOP nominee. They say it's never something that has been mentioned in a planning session or discussion.

Romney strategists declined to be quoted on the record for this story, as they maintain that they are not ready to map out the next presidential race because it has not begun for them yet. Some of their strategizing, however, does suggest that even though the Romney team may not be banking on the idea that he is next in line, it has colored the team's approach to the current primary process.

A Romney confidante put it this way: "If there's one thing running before has earned us, it's that we do not have to flex or adapt because of something a speculative candidate does or says."

And a top Romney messaging strategist from the last campaign said: "I think one of my main takeaways from ‘08 was that it takes six years to run for president if you start out at one or two percent - on the GOP side at least."

Continúa (...)

1 comentario:

Anónimo dijo...

Quien más activo se está mostrando por el momento es Mike Huckabee. La verdad que Huckebee es muy carismático y sería, al igual que Romney, muy buenos candidatos. Lo de la Palin es de llorar, ayer, ver a su hija haciendo el carnaval en un show en Chicago, se me cayó el alma.

Hoy en la CBS han hablado como tapados a Pence, a Santorum y a Marco Rubio. Yo creo que a falta de noticias se lanza cualquier suposición que a día de hoy es inverosímil.

Un abrazo desde Madrid

Casto Martín
