miércoles, 19 de enero de 2011

Ziegler cree que Palin se presentará

John Ziegler, locutor de radio conservador, hasta ahora escéptico sobre una candidatura presidencial de Palin, ha llegado a la conclusión de que la ex Gobernadora de Alaska se presentará a las elecciones, después de escucharla en el programa de Sean Hannity.

(...) Aside from whether it would be a good idea, when I was asked on CNN recently whether she would run, I put the odds at 60-40 that she would not make the big plunge. But, thanks to the bizarre events of the past week, I have experienced a rather strong epiphany on both fronts.

(...) During the final segment of her interview on Fox News last night with Sean Hannity, I became convinced that it is now significantly more likely that she will run than pass. I came to this conclusion based at least as much on what she didn’t say as what she did. At the center of this perception is the core conviction that being blamed by huge portions of the media for facilitating mass murder, and then being roundly scorned for just defending herself, simply has to drive a person on the verge of such a decision in one direction or the other. Based on her answer to Hannity, it very clear which way she has been pushed.

If Palin really has been playing a game in order just to keep her profile high (an article of faith among Palin critics), the insane reaction to this tragedy and the irrational implication of her in it would have provided her with the perfect out. After all, not even her most fervent supporter could possibly begrudge her the right to beg off a presidential run in the name of protecting her family from all of the lunacy (and potentially worse) which will be sure to come their way if they are all subjected to another campaign. But even after being given an opening to “go there” larger than FNC’s rating dominance over its competitors, Palin would have none of it.

Instead, she came closer than ever before to declaring that she will be a candidate, defiantly stating that, while she has no announcement to make right now, she is not going to sit down, and will not be told to shut up.

Technically, this is not a new statement from Palin, but given the timing, context and juxtaposition of her pronouncements, I think there is potentially great significance to what she said. For her to dramatically declare that she will not “sit down or shut up” immediately after the caveat that she is not yet “ready” to make an “announcement” and just after the word “but,” seemed to send a message only slightly more subtle than Ricky Gervais taking a swipe at an obnoxious celebrity.

Palin then went one giant step further by raising the flag in defense of free speech and those who strongly believe that our nation is imperiled by our current lack of regard for the founding principles. Once again, when given the perfect opportunity to seek cover and protect herself Sarah Palin has instead chosen to fight back and protect what she thinks is right.

This leads me to my second change of heart. Ever since I witnessed her 2008 convention speech in person, I have had admiration for Sarah Palin, but I had also (almost out of a desire to not see her and her family unnecessarily harassed) come to the conclusion that it was not a good idea for her to run for president in 2012. I figured that, thanks largely to the same media who has targeted her for over two years, Obama was unlikely to lose to anyone and that blowing her one chance to run wouldn’t be good for her or her cause. But now I not only think she will run, but I really hope she does. (...)

4 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

Esta Señora cada día da más pena. Nunca comprendí que vió McCain en elegir a Palin como runing mate. Es la peor político que ha habido en la historia de la nación. A esta no la vota nadie

Antxon G. dijo...

La votaron 60 millones de estadounidenses para la vicepresidencia en 2008.

Anónimo dijo...

Eso puede ser técnicamente cierto, pero tú sabes que uno vota al número 1 y no al número 2 (basta pensar en Bentsen/Quayle en 1988).

En otro tema, ¿por qué ves más seguro que se presente Bachmann y no Palin?

Sebastián Sarmiento
Antofagasta, Chile

Antxon G. dijo...

Palin movilizó bastante al electorado conservador en la recta finald e la campaña. Es cierto que ahuyentó a los idnependientes y los moderados, pero yo soy de la opición de que tal y como estaba planteada la elección ese año, estos hubieran terminado votando por Obama en cualquier caso.

Así que lo de "no la vota nadie" no es cierto.

Lo de Bachmann es sólo una suposición. Palin está demasiado quemada, ha llegado a un punto en que sabe que si se presenta no será para ganar. Bachmann es menos conocida para el gran público, así que todavía tiene la oportunidad de presentarse ante el público.