domingo, 20 de febrero de 2011

Más que una cara nueva

El Washington Post dedicó el pasado viernes un amplio artículo a las deliberaciones de John Thune.

(...) Why does a guy like John Thune think he could be president of the United States?

In the seven years since the South Dakotan was labeled a Republican golden boy after unseating Senate Democratic leader Thomas A. Daschle, Thune has not set himself apart on a single issue in Washington. And then with his 2008 vote for the bank bailouts, Thune agitated his party's conservative base.

Although Thune is usually liked if not loved by Republicans who know of him, he does not have an impassioned following. Unlike a string of governors and former governors eyeing a presidential run, he can't claim executive experience. In fact, he has spent most of his career in government or politics.

And when Thune talks, in interviews and in speeches, he sticks to generic phrases that neither offend nor excite.

Continúa (...)

1 comentario:

Anónimo dijo...

Va a ver candidatos para parar un tren como suelen decir en mi pueblo.

La semana pasada se hablode Thune, la anterior de Huntsman y ahora de Christie.