viernes, 11 de marzo de 2011

La capacidad para ser elegido, principal argumento de Huntsman

Todo indica que los esfuerzos de Jon Huntsman se concentrarán en New Hampshire, y que argumentará que es el presidenciable más elegible y el más temido por la Casa Blanca.

(...) Huntsman is expected to make his perceived electability a centerpiece of his platform. The Huntsman campaign-in-waiting is already at work making this case, seizing on the White House's apparent concern with the charismatic former governor whom they may have incorrectly assumed to have successfully exiled to the other side of the world when President Obama appointed him ambassador to China in 2009.

On Wednesday, Obama seemed particularly intent on drowning Huntsman with praise, calling him "an outstanding advocate for this administration" as the ambassador prepares to head home next month to mull a political future that could set him against his current boss.

"Despite the fact that Huntsman's still virtually unknown, the president and his advisors have enough political sense to recognize that he would be the most formidable opponent in the general election," said a strategist likely to be involved in a Huntsman campaign. "The only reason they are meddling in the GOP primary at this early stage is because they know Huntsman can win."

(...) "He's a perfect candidate for New Hampshire," said Neil Levesque, executive director of the New Hampshire Institute of Politics. "He's got credibility, foreign policy experience, governing experience, finances, and he's already started to gather a grassroots organization." (...)

1 comentario:

Anónimo dijo...

No sé demasiado de Huntsman pero el haber pertenecido a la Administraccion Obama le pasará factura de cara a unas hipotéticas primarias. Al igual que a Romney le pasará factura el llamado "RomneyCare".

Candidato de consenso: Tim Pawlenty. Formidable candidato con muchísimas opciones, si finalmente consigue la nominación, de vencer a un desprestigiado Obama en una hipotética elección general