miércoles, 27 de abril de 2011

Obama hará público su certificado de nacimiento

Fox News:
The White House has released President Obama's long-form birth certificate, saying the document is "proof positive" the president was born in Hawaii.

White House Communications Director Dan Pfeiffer said the administration decided to release the full document in response to mounting questions about the president's birth. He noted that what started as Internet chatter had moved into the national political debate and ended up being discussed regularly on mainstream news outlets.

He said the president believed the matter was becoming a "distraction" from major issues.

Obama plans to discuss the release of the document Wednesday morning at the White House.

The document lists Obama's birthplace as Honolulu, Hawaii, and his birth date as Aug. 4, 1961. The hospital listed is Kapiolani Maternity & Gynecological Hospital. The name on the birth certificate is Barack Hussein Obama II. (...)

2 comentarios:

Be_Agua dijo...

¡Andá, si ya se puede tuitear! Si publicas algo muy jugoso al respecto de esto como para atraer a los más pero también a los menos versados en política americana estaría bien para poner un buen tuit por allí.

Este no lo tuiteo porque por lo que he leído por allí ya está la noticia suficientemente enlazada desde medios varios.

Tendría que aportar algo que solo puedas aportar tú.

Así que a ver si gana el Barça...

Antxon G. dijo...

No pienso escribir nada jugoso de momento :)