sábado, 16 de julio de 2011

Goldman Sachs hace saltar las alarmas en la Casa Blanca

Goldman Sachs, grupo de inversión afín a la administración, abastecedor habitual de ejecutivos del Tesoro para administraciones demócratas, se suma al pesimismo con la revisión de sus cálculos sobre la situación económica en la que se desarrollará la próxima campaña presidencial:
(...) Following another week of weak economic data, we have cut our estimates for real GDP growth in the second and third quarter of 2011 to 1.5% and 2.5%, respectively, from 2% and 3.25%. Our forecasts for Q4 and 2012 are under review, but even excluding any further changes we now expect the unemployment rate to come down only modestly to 8¾% at the end of 2012.

(...) final demand growth has slowed to a pace that is typically only seen in recessions. .. Moreover, if the economy returns to recession—not our forecast, but clearly a possibility given the recent numbers (...)

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