sábado, 8 de octubre de 2011

Ron Paul gana el straw poll del VVS

El Congresista Ron Paul ha ganado el straw poll del Values Voter Summit:

Ron Paul 37%
Herman Cain 23%
Rick Santorum 16%
Rick Perry 8%
Michele Bahmann 8%
Mitt Romney 4%
Newt Gingrich 3%
Indecisos 1%
Jon Huntsman 0%

Ron Paul y Rick Santorum han sido los únicos candidatos que se han organizado para ganar.

La conclusión más importante de cara al proceso de nominación la encontramos en el duelo entre Herman Cain y Rick Perry para ser la alternativa a Romney. En un foro favorable para ambos, y donde ninguno de los dos ha montado una operación para ganar el straw poll, Cain ha triplicado en votos a Perry.

The only campaigns with real victory strategys were Ron Paul's and Rick Santorum's. This was limited -- Paul's spin-off Campaign for Liberty organization bought tickets, but the presidential campaign didn't do anything. According to CFL's John Tate, between their efforts and the indepenent efforts of Paul fans -- "some guys rented buses and came down from New York!" -- there were 700 summit passes bought by and for the man from Lake Jackson, Texas.

There was no real effort on behalf of Perry, who might as well have been grown in a lab to appeal to an audience like this. The big reasons: Herman Cain and "heartless." Just as in Florida, Cain's likeability and Perry's stance on immigration choked off his possible supporters' enthusiasm. Not even a well-received, stumble-free speech could bail him out.

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