lunes, 30 de julio de 2012

Polémica con las nuevas y estrictas leyes de identificación del votante

Bueno, lo de "estrictas" es un decir. Consiste en que los votantes muestren una identificación oficial con fotografía (permiso de conducir, tarjeta de sanidad, o una identificación emitida con ese fin por el gobierno municipal, estatal o federal) para poder votar. Los demócratas están indignados, más o menos como lo estarían ciertos partidos si de repente la ley no les permitiera empadronar en Vitoria a gente de Burgos que nunca ha vivido en Vitoria para ganar la Alcaldía.

Pennsylvania, New Hampshire, Virginia and Wisconsin, all viewed as important states this fall, each have enacted stricter ID laws. Florida and Ohio have cut back on early voting. And a whole host of other states have passed new ID laws as well.

As a result, millions of voters will find it much more difficult to vote on Election Day in November — some estimates, such as one from the Brennan Center of Justice last fall, put the number of those affected nationwide at more than 5 million. In Pennsylvania alone, the state’s Transportation Department released figures showing that more than 750,000 registered voters in the state — 9.2 percent of voters there — do not have the required forms of ID to vote in November.

(...) The laws tend to disproportionately affect young voters and minorities — key Obama demographics — so the new restrictions will have an outsize impact on Democratic turnout. In Pennsylvania, for example, 18 percent of Philadelphia residents, who voted overwhelmingly for Obama in 2008, don’t have adequate IDs to vote in 2012.
(...) Swing states that have passed voter legislation have seen strong legal pushback from Democrats and voting rights groups. For instance, the League of Women Voters and Rock the Vote have filed lawsuits against a handful of the stricter laws in Wisconsin and Pennsylvania, as well as other voting provisions in Florida.
Leed todo el artículo.

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